#Day 76: Why Traffic can be a Blessing too (July 4,2015,Saturday)

Our call time was at 4:00pm. We left the house at 2:30. We got in the event late and missed the awarding ceremony of the tournament my dad organized today under the Global Youth a Chess Society Inc. I don't wanna blame it to traffic really, but when you look at it, our being late … Continue reading #Day 76: Why Traffic can be a Blessing too (July 4,2015,Saturday)

#Day 57: Too Lazy To Wake Up yeah? Think Not (June 14, 2015)

I had to literally stop myself from nodding in amazement as I listened to what my Sunday school kids had in their minds when I asked them to cite what they think are some big problems that we are facing right now.  They mentioned about poverty, traffic, pollution---- which I think would really be some … Continue reading #Day 57: Too Lazy To Wake Up yeah? Think Not (June 14, 2015)